Worker Compensation – Injured at Work 2024-04-17T23:43:46+10:00

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Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Perth & WA

If you’ve been injured at work, Stephen Browne’s workers’ compensation lawyers can help. You may be entitled to claim work injury compensation. Our expert team at Stephen Browne Personal Injury Lawyers will ensure you get every dollar you’re entitled to. 

Contact Us

What types of WorkCover claims can be made? 

As your workers’ compensation lawyers in Perth, Stephen Browne Personal Injury Lawyers can help you understand your eligibility for work injury compensation. As an employee in WA, you may be entitled to compensation if: 

  • You’re a worker (which includes when you have a contract for service with your employer) 
  • You suffer an injury or develop a disease at work 
  • You require medical treatment or time off work because of your injury or illness 

You may also be a worker if you’re a director, contractor, or sub-contractor, depending on your working arrangements. As your WorkCover lawyers, we can help you to understand the rights to your specific employment situation and workplace injury. 

You may be entitled to compensation if you suffer a work claim injury or illness such as:  

  • Back injury 
  • Repetitive motion injury 
  • Injury from a machine 
  • Injury due to work-related travel 
  • Slips, trips, or falls at work 
  • Industrial deafness 
  • Asbestos-related conditions or a dust-disease such as silicosis 
  • Permanant impairment or disability 
  • Mental health condition 

What entitlements are there for a work claim injury?

As a worker who’s been injured or become ill because of your work in Western Australia, you could be entitled to financial compensation for: 

  • Weekly payments for the period you’re partly or totally incapacitated for work 
  • Reasonable medical and related expenses (such as the cost of pharmaceutical products) 
  • Visits to and treatments by your: 
  • GP and medical specialist 
  • Allied health professionals (physio or occupational therapist) 
  • Vocational rehabilitation if you need assistance to return to work 

Depending on your circumstances – apart from your workers’ compensation entitlements – you may also have the right to claim damages from your employer for breach of duty of care. 

No Win No Fee* 

At Stephen Browne Personal Injury Lawyers, we’re passionate about ensuring that everyone can access justice, regardless of their financial situation or circumstances. 

No Win No Fee* put simply, means that as your workers’ compensation lawyers in Perth, we’ll only charge you legal fees if we successfully obtain financial compensation for your work-related injury or illness.  

If your work injury compensation claim is unsuccessful, Stephen Browne Personal Injury Lawyers will not charge you any legal fees for the time spent on your claim.  

When choosing a workers’ compensation lawyer in Perth it’s important to confirm whether there are fees or expenses that may fall outside the No Win No Fee* agreement. We’ll always be upfront and honest with you about this.  

Contact Us

At any stage of the work claim injury process, contact us 

At any time during the work claim injury process (set out below), we recommend contacting us at Stephen Browne Personal Injury Lawyers, your expert WorkCover lawyers. We offer a free, no-obligation first meeting online, in our offices, or we can come to you. We’ll explain your entitlement to work injury compensation, explain the claim process and answer any questions you may have. 

Work claim injury process – how it works 

  1. You have suffered an injury or developed a disease at work or because of your work
  2. Immediately seek first aid if needed, and see your own doctor
  3. Ask your employer doctor for a First Certificate of Capacity and make a copy. Complete it, keep a copy, and give the original to your employer
  4. Complete a Workers’ Compensation Claim Form. Keep a copy and give the original to your employer, along with the original First Certificate of Capacity.
  5. Your employer has five working days to complete their part of the Claim Form, and lodge it and the First Certificate with their workers’ compensation insurer
  6. Within 14 days of receiving the documents, your employer’s insurer must notify you that your claim has been accepted, is disputed, or is pending. It would be ‘pending’ if your employer’s insurer needs more information to accept or dispute your claim 

Your employer or their workers’ compensation insurer may refer you to a doctor that they choose, before deciding on their acceptance of your claim. There are time limits and rules surrounding these medical referrals, which your work accident lawyers can help you with.   

No Win No Fee* – find out more

You can find out more here about our No Win No Fee* guarantee. 

Over the last 30 years we have worked hard to deliver our clients outstanding results and ensuring they get the compensation they rightly deserve.

Excellent service from start to finish. Stephen, Bianca, Michelle and Mr. Pratt were upfront from the beginning and always kept me informed throughout the entire process. I was very happy with the whole procedure and the final settlement. I would not hesitate to refer them to anyone. Once again thank you.

Simon Hann

Thank you so much for all your efforts and support these past few years. You really made a big difference to all of us.


found Stephen Browne so good to use, they helped me heaps and always made me feel comfortable. I live in the rural area and my case was done over the phone. Diana Santiago was so nice she helped me in many ways, she was always positive. Allon Klein my lawyer was always helpful to and easy to talk to. Thank you very very much for what you have done for me. (South Perth office)

Jeneen D

Why Chose Stephen Browne  

Our local WorkCover lawyers have decades of experience and are experts in work injury compensation and navigating through the claims process. We ensure you get the entitlements you need to recover with time and dignity.  

Contact Us 

Work injury compensation cases are often complex and require significant legal expertise to secure the best possible outcome. Over 99% The majority of our cases are settled without a formal court hearing. As your workers’ compensation lawyers in Perth, we’ll advise, guide, and support you so you can receive the outcome you’re entitled to.  

Contact us today. We can help you with your work clam injury or illness on a No Win No Fee* basis. 

Or alternatively visit us at one of our two accessible locations in Hay Street or  Joondalup. Our workers’ compensation lawyers in Perth can also provide a free initial consultation at either your home or a location of your choice. 

*Conditions apply

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